
Faculty for Justice in Palestine (FJP) is a decentralized, national network of affiliated campus chapters whose faculty and staff members support the cause of Palestinian liberation through education, advocacy and action. FJP supports and amplifies the work of Students for Justice in Palestine along with other pro-Palestinian student groups and campus unions.


FJP works in close collaboration with, and follows the lead, of calls from our colleagues in Palestinian universities (such as Birzeit University's "A Unified Call for Freedom and Justice in Palestine"). Our solidarity recognizes that Palestinian universities have been subject to attacks, closures, and destruction long before the most recent assault on Gaza.  


FJP supports public education and discussion about the 75+ years of Israel’s violent, repressive occupation in the context of settler colonialism and Zionist ideology. FJP also promotes efforts to draw attention to the history of Palestine and Palestinian resistance, both on campuses and in the public sphere. FJP defends and supports the right to teach and talk about these topics as they relate to interlocking systems of oppression underpinned by global white supremacy and racial capitalism.


FJP endorses the principles of BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) and works in solidarity with international BDS organisations. FJP encourages academic and cultural boycotts of Israel and Israeli academic institutions, both of which have been responsible for maintaining apartheid and colonial occupation. FJP also supports the fundamental right of Palestinians to self-determination and legal equality, and to return to their indigenous homes and lands. 


In response to a pervasively anti-Palestinian campus environment which enables bullying, harassment, and discriminatory punishment, FJP will seek to protect and defend university students, faculty and staff who are defamed or disciplined for supporting BDS or otherwise advocating for Palestinian human rights. 


FJP is firmly committed to combating any form of racism, including anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, anti-Blackness, and white supremacy. It is also firmly committed to combating all forms of oppression, including caste hierarchies and those targeting sexuality, trans and non-binary gender identification, and disabilities of any kind.